Maintenance tips for high glosses table and furniture

Maintenance of high gloss dining table

  • Use a feather duster to remove day to day dust.
  • Microfibre cloth with water removes finger prints or sticky patches.
  • Make sure that you do not use chemical cleaners.
  • Wipe up food or drink spillages immediately.
  • Dry microfibre cloth to buff away excess water.
  • Always use a platsmat on dining table, even for hot food, any dining table does not like water, so a platmat can water proof the dripping water from dishes.
  • Every year use wood wax to polish the surface with a soft car wash chamois cloth.
  • Its not complicated to clean and remove grease, just use any household detergent, acid or alkaline free.


  • 使用雞毛撣子清除日常灰塵。
  • 超細纖維布沾水可去除指紋或黏斑。
  • 確保不使用化學清潔劑。
  • 立即擦掉溢出的食物或飲料。
  • 用乾燥的超細纖維布擦掉多餘的水分。
  • 餐桌上總是使用平台墊,即使是熱食,任何餐桌都不喜歡水,因此平台墊可以防水,防止盤子滴水。
  • 每年使用木蠟以柔軟的洗車麂皮布拋光錶面。
  • 清潔和去除油脂並不複雜,只需使用任何家用清潔劑,不含酸或鹼。